Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Colores y formas: El otoño

As the Moms Day Out classes focused on colors and shapes in October, I reviewed colors and introduced shapes within the context of the changing seasons.

Because October is a month mixed with warm and cool mornings, we have begun talking about the weather. We do a chant to ask/answer what the weather is for the day:

¿Qué tiempo hace afuera, afuera? ¿Qué tiempo hace afuera hoy? (Hace is pronounced "AH say")
(It's cold: "Hace frío"; It's hot: "Hace calor"; It's windy: "Hace viento".)

In talking about colors, we looked at leaves one day and did leaf rubbings using fall colors like brown (café), green (verde), yellow (amarillo) and orange (anaranjado).

We also sang the classic song, "De colores" and talked about the colors of the objects mentioned in the song and some of the words. The children enjoyed the part of the song that includes three animals and the sounds they make in Spanish:
Canta el gallo, con el kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri. (The rooster sings "kiri, kiri, kiri...")
La gallina, con el cara cara cara cara cara cara cara (The hen, with her "cara, cara, cara...")
Los pollitos con el pío pío pío pío pío pío pi (The chicks with the "pío, pío...)

Here is the version of the song we sang:

There are many other versions available.

Los caballos

To celebrate the WEG competitors in town and parallel the curriculum across the Mom's Day Out classes, the vocabulary, songs and games were related to horses (and some other farm animals) for the last few weeks of September.

We played a lot with little horses, making them jump ("¡salten!"), run ("¡corran!"), turn around ("¡den la vuelta!") sleep ("duerman"), and in some classes the students made them fly ("vuelen"). Along with the commands, we talked a bit about the horses' colors and features.

We also sang a song about lots of farm animals called, "Vengan a ver mi granja". If you purchased the Whistlefritz CD last year, you have this song. We used sign language as we sang some of the words:
Vengan a ver mi granja que es hermosa (repeat)

Click here for a sample of the song, or to download it if you do not have it already and would like a copy:

We also read the book Salí de paseo. Students held stuffed farm animals as we "found" them in the book. This book has recently been for sale for a few dollars in the discounted children's book section at Joseph Beth. You can also find it here:

Finally, I introduced a new song that the kids have loved called "Bailar rápido, bailar tranquilo." The song has just a few phrases, which say, "I like to dance, I like to dance slowly. I like to dance, and I never want to stop":

A mí me gusta bailar,
me gusta bailar tranquilo.
A mí me gusta bailar,
Y nunca quiero parar.

This song is set to a salsa beat. I taught the children the basic dance step for salsa, and many of them picked it up easily. The song repeats multiple times, getting faster with each round. It is a very fun song and a great way to expend energy! The song comes from a CD that is filled with songs that expose students to the beat and instruments of Latin music. It is available through the Spanish Scholastic book order. If you would like a copy, let me know and I will place an order for you.