Today we sang our song, "Noé hizo el arca" and reviewed the short picture book about Noah's ark that we read last week. As we read, I asked the children questions about the weather (¿qué tiempo hace?, pronounced, "keh tee-IM-poeh AH-seh?") and asked what animals they could identify in the book. At the end of the book, of course, a rainbow appears over Noah's ark, so this week we worked with the colors of the rainbow. We have done colors intermittently throughout this year, especially with books like Go Dog Go. Whenever the children color a picture they will take home, I talk to them in Spanish about they colors they are using. Many of the children can tell me that red is rojo (ROW-hoe) and that blue is azul (ah-SOOL). Today we practiced:
azul (ah-SOOL): blue
blanco (BLAHN-koe): white
rojo (ROW-hoe): red
violeta (vee-oh-LEH-tuh): violet/purple
amarillo (ah-mah-DEE-yoe): yellow
anaranjado (ah nah dahn HA dough): orange
verde (VEDH-deh): green
rosa (DDROE-sah): pink
We sang a song that goes through the colors in that order. We played simple games as we sang the song, such as moving from one color square to another according to the color we identify in the song.
The children also colored a page with a rainbow on it. We will continue to practice those colors as throughout the rest of this year.