Thursday, October 27, 2011

El otoño

This week we celebrated Fall.

We read a book about pumpkins (Calabazas= kah-lah-BAH-zahs), we talked about the sizes of different pumpkins and we described the parts of a jack-o-latern face.

You also probably saw a little spider we made out of pipe cleaners and a pom pom. We used this to also talk about eyes and introduce the words for legs (piernas=pee-AIR-nahs) and feet (pies=pee-YAYS ). We then sang a favorite song from past years, los elefantes. You can listen to a sample or download it here:

¿Cómo es? La cara

Today we reviewed many of the words we have been practicing by singing a song many of you may remember from church growing up: "My God is so big, so awesome and mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do." We sang it in Spanish, of course, with lots of big hand motions. Here are the words:

Mi Dios es tan grande
tan fuerte y poderoso
no hay nada que no pueda hacer (two claps)

Las montañas son suyas
los ríos son suyas
las estrellas son suyas tambien

(repeat first verse)

We moved on today to descriptions of physical so that the children can begin to ask and answer the question, "¿Cómo es?" We featured the parts of the face today: Eyes (Ojos=OH-hose), Nose (Nariz= nah-DEES), Mouth (Boca= BOW-kah). We did a little rhyming chant:
Yo tengo dos ojos
Yo tengo una nariz
Yo tengo una boca
¡y estoy muy feliz!

We also made a face on a plate. The older children may have pointed out to you that the word OJO kind of looks like two eyes and a nose, so we used that word as the basis for the face.