Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall 2012 Spanish

¡Hola! We are off to a fabulous start in Spanish this year. The children are eager to learn and many are starting their fourth year of Spanish at Calvary. It is such fun to watch them sing along and interact in Spanish. I have a few new puppets this year and LOTS of new songs, so it should be very fun!

We are starting the year with lots of introductions. Through songs, books and puppets, the children are learning how to ask and answer questions that help them get to know a person. We have a few hello songs this year, like:
Hola, amigo (From the Dr. Jean en Español CD)

Hola, Hola, Hola:

We have also done commands like stand up (levántate: "lay VAHN tah tay"), sit down (siéntate: "see IN tah tay"), turn around (da la vuelta: "dah la VWEL tah"), dance (baila: "BYE lah"), hands up (manos arriba: "ah REE bah"), hands down (manos abajo: "MAH nohs ah BAH ho), hands in front (manos adelante: "MAH nohs ah day LAHN tay"); hands behind (manos atrás: "MAH nohs ah TRAHS") hands on your nose (manos en la naríz: "MAH nohs in lah nah REES"), open your eyes (abre los ojos: "AH bray lohs OH hohs"), close your eyes (cierra los ojos: see AIR rah lohs OH hohs), stick out your tongue (saca la lengua: "SAH kah lah LIN gwah").

To focus on introductions, the children have learned a song called Yo me llamo. In this, they learn how to say My name is (Yo me llamo: "Yo may YAH moh"), and then ask What is your name? (¿Cómo te llamas tú?: "KOH moe tay YAH mahs too?" This song is on the Baile y Canto CD below.

Here's a link to the song:

Here's a link to the song:

Soon I will be teaching them a children's game, sort of like hot potato" to talk about their age. The important phrases are How old are you (¿Cuántos años tienes?= "KWAHN tohs AHN yohs TYEN ays?") and I am ___ years old (Tengo ___ años: "TANG oh ___ AHN yohs") The chant is:
Zapatito blanco
Zapatito azul
Dime, ¿Cuántos años tienes tú?
(The child answers with an age, and we count feet as with hot potato.)
If you would like to see video of people playing this game, click here.

We are doing a birthday song, too, to ask/answer when someone's birthday is. The song is based on this exchange: When is your birthday (¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?: "KWAN doh es too coomp lay AHN yose?") My birthday is the ___ of ___. (Mi cumpleaños es el (date) de (month): "Mee coomple AHN yose ehs ehl ___ de ___.")

 Each week I am also including songs and activities that teach words for the body parts, numbers, colors, and names of animals.
Some of those songs are: Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, Pies (Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)
Quién Soy Yo (From the Muévete CD below)

Los Números

Arriba, Abajo (to teach up, down, in front, behind):

Bailar Rápido, Bailar Tranquilo

We have two goodbye songs we will sing this year:
Adiós amigos (from the Baile y Canto CD below)

Adiós (from the Stanley Lucero CD below)

These are CDs that I will be pulling many songs from this year.