Saturday, December 12, 2009

Week 13: ¡Saque la lengua!

This week we reinforced the parts of the face and added a few new words, mainly dientes (dee-IN-tehs: teeth) and lengua (LEHN-gwah: tongue). Try saying, "saque la lengua" (SAH-keh lah LEHN-gwah!) and see if your child sticks out his/her tongue! For the children who are still early in their spoken-English production, you might see if they can identify other parts of their face by asking "DOHN-deh eh-STAH...
...lah nah-REES?" (la nariz=nose)
...lah BOH-kah?" (la boca= mouth)
...ehl OH-hoh?" (el ojo= eye)
...lah oh-DEH-hah?" (la oreja= ear)
If your child is especially verbal, point to different parts of his/her face and see if he/she can tell you what the word is in Spanish.

We sang a song today to reinforce the word lengua and to support a lesson you are probably teaching at home: Make sure your tongue doesn't say bad things! This song is based on Psalm 34:13. In Spanish, this verse says "Guarda tu lengua del mal, y tus labios de hablar engaño." We sang the song a couple of times (the second time through we held our tongues.)

This song is on a CD by Steve Green (Click here for more info). It's been out a good while, but it is one of our favorites. Each song on this CD is a scripture in Spanish, sung in very simple language.

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