Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week 4: ¿Dónde está? (24 septiembre)

Now that we have a handful of songs in our repertoire, we read a book today and featured a useful phrase in Spanish: Where is ___? (¿Dónde está? (DOAN-deh eh-STAH?). We will continue to recycle this phrase in future classes, so the children will hear it (and begin to use it) in many contexts.

We had lots of "Simon Says" additions this week:
manos... (MAH-nose): hands
...arriba (ah-RREE-bah): up
...abajo (ah-BAH-hoe): down
...adelate (ah-deh-LAHN-teh): in front
...atrás (ah-TRAHS): behind
vuele (VWEH-leh): fly
abra (los ojos, la boca) (AH-brah (lohs OH-hose, lah BO-kah)): open (eyes, mouth)
cierre (los ojos, la boca) (see-EH-rreh): close eyes, mouth

We read ¿Dónde está Spot?, which is apparently out of print now, but a few are still available on line.

We sang a song about a child who loses a shoe and goes to his mommy to ask where it could be. The child asks if it is under (debajo de (deh-BAH-hoe deh) various household objects such as the chair (silla (SEE yah)), table (mesa (MEH-sah)), rug (alfombra (ahl-FOAM-bdah), lamp (lámpara (LAHM-pah-dah)). I hide a shoe (zapato (sah PAH toe) under an object and when we lift each object, the children either respond that it isn't there (no) or that it is ( (SEE)).

Mami, ¿dónde está mi zapato?
Mami, ¿dónde está mi zapato?
Mami, ¿dónde está mi zapato?
¿Debajo de la silla? No, no, no.
¿Debajo de la mesa? No, no, no.
¿Debajo de la alfombra? No, no, no.
¿Debajo de la lámpara? ¡Sí, sí, sí!

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