Thursday, October 1, 2009

Week 5: Mi amigo el perro (1 octubre)

With the beginning of a new month, we learned a new hello song. In this song the children learn how to ask and answer how are you? (¿Cómo estás?). This song is from José Luis Orozco's De Colores CD. It is sung to the tune Frere Jaques/Where is Thumbkin? You may click here for a link to the song. Also, in the lyrics below you will notice certain words highlighted. Those links take you to the signs we use for various words as we sing the song.

Buenos días

Buenos días, buenos días
¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estás?
Muy bien, gracias. Muy bien, gracias.
¿Y Usted? ¿Y Usted?

(*we use the second version of the sign for cómo (how))

Today we talked about dogs (los perros (lohse PEH-rrows), and with this we learned big (grande (GRAHN-deh)) and small (pequeño (peh-KANE-yo)). We practiced these words quite a bit during the "Simon Says" activities and then colored a card with a big and small dog. You might ask which is the perro grande or perro pequeño.

We sang Mami,¿Dónde está mi zapato? (lyrics listed in Week 4) but we substituted perrito for zapato, and hid a picture of a puppy under the household objects.

In most classes we read a portion of Corre, Perro, Corre. The children are familiar with most of the Spanish vocabulary in the book, and most were familiar with the story. If you are looking for Spanish books to have at home, this would be a good choice.

Today we sang Vengan a ver mi granja and featured el perro:

(again, highlighted words below link to sign we use as we sing)
Vengan a ver mi granja* que es hermosa
Vengan a ver mi granja* que es hermosa
El perrito* hace así: guau, guau
El perrito* hace así: guau, guau
O, vengan amigos, vengan amigos, vengan amigos, vengan
O, vengan amigos, vengan amigos, vengan amigos, vengan

(*we use the second version of the sign for both granja (farm) and perrito (dog))

I gave a few classes the opportunity to choose which song they would like to sing to finish class. They all chose Los elefantes. The lyrics to this song are listed in the post from Week 1.

Note: If you have a child who will attend Kindergarten in the Fall, you may want to consider putting your child's name into the lottery for the Maxwell Elementary Spanish Immersion Program. The district office is accepting applications for the lottery through October 15. If you are interested in learning about the program, you can find more information here.

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