Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 7: La oruga muy hambriente

Continuing with the idea of growth, we read La oruga muy hambriente, by Eric Carle.

We learned two phrases this week that were used repeteadly in this book: "he/she was hungry" (tenía hambre (teh-NEE-uh AHM-breh)), and "he/she ate" (comió (koh mee OH).

We used these same concepts in a song in which the children learned to say these phrases in reference to themselves. We sing, "I am hungry and I eat"... fruits, vegetables, cheese and bread.
Tengo hambre, y como frutas .
Tengo hambre, como verduras.
Tengo hambre, y como queso.
Tengo hambre, y como pan. Pan, pan, pan.

You can reinforce at home by saying "tengo" (TANG oh) while signing "hungry." If you pause, many times the child will respond "hambre." Similarly, you can do the sign for "eat." The child may say "como" or "comió." If he/she doesn't do this yet, be patient! We'll continue to reinforce these words and concepts this year.

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