Thursday, November 5, 2009

Week 8: El tiempo

With the changing of seasons, we have lots of opportunities to experience different types of weather, so today we learned a weather chant that we will do each week to talk about the weather. Your child probably brought home a card with four types of weather on it:

hace sol (AH-seh SOHL): it's sunny [sol is pronounced similarly to the "sole" of your shoe]
está nublado (eh-STAH new-BLAH-doh): it's cloudy
nieva (nee-EH-vah): it's snowing
llueve (yoo-WEH-veh): it's raining

Our chant asks what the weather is like today. Once we have determined what the weather is like, we say the chant again and replace ¿que tiempo hace? with the appropriate weather phrase.

¿Qué tiempo hace afuera, afuera?
¿Qué tiempo hace afuera hoy?

We recycled the Mami, ¿dónde está? song, and today we "looked for" pieces of clothing related to different types of weather:

abrigo (ah-BDEE-goh): coat [pronounce the last syllable similarly to English "go"]
gafas de sol (GAH-fahs deh SOHL): sunglasses
paraguas (pah-DAH-gwas): umbrella

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