Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 15: ¡el invierno!

Winter is here! We have already had great opportunities to learn new vocabulary with a winter in full gear. This week we learned the word "la nieve" (lah nee-EH-veh:snow) as we talked about the weather and introduced the book for the week, Froggy se viste.

This is a fun book about a frog who gets dressed to go outside to play in the snow, but each time he makes it outside he realizes he has forgotten to put on a different piece of clothing. This was our first look at vocabulary for clothing. We did a short activity to classify if different pieces of clothing belong in the invierno (een-vee-AIR-no: winter) or verano (veh-DAH-no: summer). As I read, the children acted out putting on various pieces of clothing (for example, when we pretended to put on gloves (guantes: GWAHN-tayhs), we said, "zoom, zoom," just like Froggy). Most of the Spanish today was intended to be input only, but your child may have responded with "¿qué?" when you called for him or her this week. Especially in the older classes, we practiced responding with "¿qué?" (kay: what?) like Froggy responds to his mother when she calls for him.

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