Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 16: azul el sombrero, verde el sombrero

Today we continued to talk about clothing, this time being more intentional about learning some of the names of specific pieces of clothing. Your child probably brought home a colored picture of some articles of clothing:
el sombrero (el som-BDEH-doh: hat)
la camiseta (lah kah-mee-SAY-tah: shirt)
los pantalones (lohs pahn-tah-LOAN-ehs: pants)
los zapatos (lohs sah-PAH-toahs: shoes)

We reviewed/introduced colors today as well, to help us read Sandra Boyton's Azul el sombrero, verde el sombrero:

This is a fun read, easy to understand even if you don't speak any Spanish.

We also sang a few songs from the fall semester: "Mami, ¿dónde está mi zapato?" (See week 4), hiding an abrigo (ah-BREE-go: coat), and a sombrero (soam-BDEH-doh: hat) in addition to the zapato. We also sang the song "Los pollitos" (See week 9) because the mother hen (gallina) gives her chicks abrigos when they get cold.

We are meeting twice this week because we missed the first Thursday of the month due to nieve. See you Thursday!

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